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Interactive Whiteboard for Proactive Learning

Interactive Whiteboard for Proactive Learning

The decision makers in education sectors and educationists have been exploring ways to make education more interesting, interactive, simple and comprehensive for students. Technology has always been proved a true supporter in enhancement of quality of education. Advanced techniques make teaching as well as learning a marvelous experience. Times to time the methods of teaching are improved by using better tools, well equipped with advanced technology. Class scenes have been changed from ink &leaves format, in ancient time in Gurukuls systems, to Interactive Whiteboard technology in classrooms in the present scenario. Meanwhile we were gifted with several techniques by inventors, interested in improving teaching standard as well as techniques, to simplify education in a better and result oriented way.

The interactive whiteboard is a large and touch sensitive glossy screen which is emerging as an innovative tool in education and recommended by educationists and decision makers for pedagogy in schools and colleges. These days this is a desirable peripheral in classrooms. It is connected to a digital projector and a computer. the giant screen of Interactive Whiteboard becomes live when it is hooked up to a computer. It is different from plain whiteboard in the class; as it is well equipped with certain powerful as well as useful soft wares, features and tools which enable teacher to use it intelligently make class teaching interesting. Certain soft wares allows user to touch or tap to pull down menus, highlighting text, and move, open or save files, showing difficult processors and graphics. Even users can circle relevant sections on the projected image, draw geometric figures, and underline or highlighted the matter. Screens can be saved to for future use which can be sent later through e-mail or can be taken as print outs or Can be shared through share server. This feature is amazingly used for the recapitulation purpose.

Interactive whiteboards save time of the user as these boards allow teachers to work directly from the board. While in Projector technique teacher teach a lesson with the help of Projector and non active whiteboard where teacher needs go back on computer desk or to input device to operate the study material which is projected on the screen of whiteboard. Then again he/she goes to board to describe the things. Here in IWB Technique, teacher commands directly from the Giant white screen of the IWB and feels confident in class while teaching to class.

Even students find more time to interact and explore the topic as they need not copy the written material, on the board, and notes from the board as screen can be saved with several options suitable to teacher or class. Students can interact with personal response system, available in IWB technology. That is why IWBs are also called Smart Boards as we can do work smartly. We save not only our precious time but our energy also. The pre-requisites of Teaching with technique is that teacher should be very much alert and pre prepared with material which he needs to discuss in the class. He must be very much tech savvy to control the board and use its potentiality. IWB leaves a stronger and deeper impact on people as a convenient teaching source. It has given a new direction to teaching methodology.

Learning becomes interesting as it was never before. Students become much active while explore the topic in the class rather than sitting ideal in the class copying the writes form the board or sitting ideal while teacher deliver lecture. It has been assumed as an innovative tool for learning process. Student response system makes them more alert and curious about their performance day to day in the class. Teacher can use this innovative technology as a tool for proactive learning.