Computer Based Training or CBT is now widely adopted in education, corporate training for learning any subject from math, history to sales skill, customer support and project management. The driving force behind the maturity of CBT industry, however, has been aviation industry.
In the 1980’s, Computer based training and simulation were introduced to pilot training programs to reduce the training cost and avoid the safety issue in on-site training. The Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee (AICC), an international association of technology-based training professionals, oversees and develops guidelines for aviation industry in the design, implementation, delivery, and evaluation of CBT.
In the early 90’s, CBT had made its way into educational institutes and corporate market. These instructional manuals were text based and often taught the user how to complete particular lessons. Unfortunately, computers were still progressing at that time, which made it difficult to add into classrooms. At the time, teachers still did not agree with using strictly based CBT programs. While this was a great way to learn topics without having to be rushed, the technology fell short. It wasn’t until the later years that full multimedia, which included audio and video, was integrated into these lessons. From there, computer based training only got more popular.
As technology progressed, computer based training courses were also getting better. By the late 90’s, CBT was full of video, streaming audio, and a wide array of topics. This type of computer based training was picked up by universities worldwide. This is when online courses began to take full form. Universities provided online classes to those who just couldn’t attend real courses. Filled with video lectures and practice exams, students were able to work at their own pace. Although this sounded like a tough idea, students loved the invention. It not only allowed the already employed to get more education, but it helped those with learning disabilities work on their own time.
CBT has gone far beyond the minds of college students. Amazingly, it has also reached aviation training. Computer based training now allows potential pilots to use simulated airfare and courses designed to help them understand the concepts involved. Due to the fact that many people prefer learning in a quiet environment, so that they can review frequently, CBT has become widely popular among aviation schools. These computer programs also teach aviation supplies information, and other necessities. As a result, pilots can fly easily with their david clark headsets, knowing that they know everything about aircraft supplies.
Although CBT is still controversial, most universities and aviation schools have accepted the new form of learning. With students having specific learning disabilities, and tough schedules, this type of e-learning helps everyone get a great education. It is possible to do achieve more when convenience and flexibility is present. You no longer have to worry about getting to campus on time, or juggling three jobs with an array of different courses. Even aviation pilots can dream of educational freedom, if it means spending extra hours at home studying the latest aviation supplies. For the majority of learners, computer based training has allowed society to open their minds to schooling. Students no longer have to worry about getting behind. CBT makes it possible, no matter what level you are at.
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