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How to Become a Mobile Application Developer

How to Become a Mobile Application Developer

Today, mobile devices have become an important part of our life. The latest mobile devices are changing the way people communicate, do business and access other entertainment and news. They are a great source of entertainment, apart from communication.

To meet the needs of the mobile users, many new and innovative applications are being developed. Nowadays, mobile application developers are highly in demand. The industry is lacking skilled and talented developers. One can become a professional mobile application developer to experience a winning career. To become a mobile application developer one must have a creative mind and necessary technical skills.

• There are a number of mobile application training programs and degrees that features the work in mobile software programming, designing, application development and other domains. One can search online for best online and offline courses available and choose the suitable one.

• One must learn everything about mobile application development by reading books, blogs, and articles. One can even go through the books and blogs written by experienced developers regularly to keep them well-informed and updated. If possible, one can attend a formal or informal training session on mobile application development. One can search on the internet to find about the training programs held in their city.

• Attend conferences and seminars which are dedicated to the upcoming developers. There are some programs where developers can interact with experienced and dedicated developers and learn about cutting-edge technologies.

• The next thing is choosing the right operating system. For example – Google’s Android or Apple’s OS. After choosing the right platform (operating system), learn the programming language and development environment for that operating system.

• Mobile application developers write programs using C, C++, Java, Flash, CSS etc. One can choose from any one of the platforms to work on it.

• There are 5 major mobile platforms like – Android, Apple OS, Symbian, Windows Mobile and Blackberry. Each of the platforms has its own programming language and development environment.

Here are the prerequisites of these leading mobile platforms:

1. Android: The environment is Eclipse and the programming language is Java and Object Oriented concepts.

2. Apple OS: The environment is X-code and the programming language is Objective-C.

3. Symbian: The environment is based on different preferences and the programming language is C++.

4. Blackberry: The environment is Eclipse and the programming language is Java.

• After choosing the suitable operating system, programming language and environment, start building a small application of your own. Don’t focus on building a big application. Try to develop a small, simple and user-friendly application, using your technical skills and creativity.

• Stay in touch with other developers by becoming a member of forum sites. One can discuss with other developers about the latest programming languages and operating systems.

• There are thousands of mobile applications in the App store. To develop a successful application, think of some smart ideas and concentrate on something that is unique and innovative.

• Even if you fail at the first attempt, don’t lose your heart. Keep trying and develop something that is user-friendly and unique.

• Don’t forget to go for testing tools. The developed applications should work on mobile phones, PDAs, and other compatible devices.