Drupal has become one of preferred CMSs (content management systems) in the world for both individual blogs and business websites. What make Drupal development powerful are Drupal tools. These tools power Drupal developers to design and develop unique websites from scratch. Drupal has gained popularity, thanks to Drupal toolkit for developer. Instead of inventing and employing solutions, you can use these custom-built ones.
In Drupal development, 90% of the challenges can be met with a few popular tools. Most of the developers sitting in offshore development centers use these tools for custom development of websites. These tools are highly customized by the developers to offer you the right solution to meet your requirements. You can easily outsource your custom development project to these offshore development centers to get high-end results using Drupal.
Top Drupal Tools
Admin Menu– In Drupal,this is the most widely used menu tool. It lets you develop the nerve center of your website CMS. It defines the role of the administrator and other users when it comes to using the CMS. It is a theme-independent administrative interface universal for all kind of development.
Theme Developer– This is one of the most powerful of all the Drupal tools. It allows developers to install and customize Drupal themes for your website. It can easily identify the theme that is being used in on particular section of the website. It also holds crucial information like the usage of ‘tlp’ file or theme in the website.
Content Construction Kit – Content creation is made easy in Drupal with the use of Content Construction Kit. In a matter of few seconds, you can create special content fields using this tool. These fields could contain texts, URLs, references to other pieces of content, or users. You can also insert images, videos and interactive charts using this field in Drupal.
Devel– When Drupal developers think of module development, module customization or custom theme development, they can only think of Devel. This is one of the most powerful Drupal tools. This tool lets you monitor Drupal centric information like collecting and displaying Drupal db query log, nice error handlers, redirection log, page timers, memory usages, and an awesome krumo display. Apart from these, the tool also gives useful developer functions such as DSM(), DPM(), DARGS(), and many more.
Reroute Email– Another powerful tool, Reroute Email intercepts all outgoing emails from a Drupal site and reroutes them to a predefined configurable email address.This is useful for developers where they do not want email sent from a Drupal site to reach the users in situations like working on a test server.
There are hundreds of other tools, which have made Drupal popular among the users as well as developers.
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