Adobe Systems Incorporated is a large multinational company that specializes in multimedia and software products. They are known for providing high quality, user friendly applications which are often used within the design industries. There are many different types of products available by Adobe, so many so that it can be a hard task to know what products are best for your needs. This article takes a look at some of the most popular products that are made by Adobe.
Desktop Software
Popular desktop software products include Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Firework, and Adobe Acrobat.
Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing programme which allows users to create and manipulate graphics. It is the most widely used professional graphic editing software in the world. There are many different Adobe Photoshop editions, with regular updates being released. There is also a Photoshop add-on called Adobe Photoshop Extended which allows users to work with extra 3D image creation, motion graphics, and advanced image analysis features. Other add-ons include Photoshop Lightroom and Photoshop Elements.
Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics editor. There are also many generations and additions of Adobe Illustrator, each with different upgrades and special features.
Server Software
Some of the server software that is made by Adobe includes Adobe Coldfusion, Adobe Content Server, and Adobe BlazeDS.
Adobe Coldfusion is a web development platform which includes a full scripting language. Coldfusion also supports other programming languages apart from CFML, such as CFScript and Actionscript. It is mostly used for websites or intranets that are primarily data driven, and it can also handle SMS and instant messaging events.
Web Design
Products in Adobe’s web design range include Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Contribute, Adobe Muse, Adobe Flash Builder and Adobe Edge.
Adobe Dreamweaver is the most widely used software out of all the web design programs. It is a web design software which is both available in versions for use with Mac and Windows operating systems. Dreamweaver uses a WYSIWYG editor and a code editor which gives designers the freedom to create and customize web sites according to their needs and level of experience.
Where to Purchase Adobe Software
All Adobe software can be purchased directly from Adobe’s official website. You can often download a free trial version of the software to see if it is right for you. Some of the more popular software items are available to purchase in large computer stores.
Adobe Training Programs
All Adobe software will come with a help feature which can be used when you need help on a certain topic. Some software will also include a basic ‘getting started’ tutorial. If you want to develop your skills and knowledge on how to use specific software then you will need to take a training course. One of the best ways to do this is to take an online training course. Online training courses let you work at your own pace, and they will also allow you to work around your existing commitments.
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