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Software Development Life Cycle Process For Full Fledged Web Development Process

Software Development Life Cycle Process For Full Fledged Web Development Process

Software Development Life Cycle, commonly known as SDLC, is a predefined set of rules and methodologies opted by web development services company,used to develop, manage and maintain information structure, required to improve the quality of the software design and development process. A number of steps are followed to conceive the best available SDLC process in run. All the phases of the web development are equally important to the process and play the vital role while establishing a profitable development regime. The steps that are measured during the Software design and development are termed as follows:

Requirement Specification and Analysis:
The very primary phase during the execution of web development services called Software Requirements Specification or SRS offers a comprehensive elaboration of the functions and specifications need to be recognized during the software designing and development process. This very first and the foremost step allows to gather information about the overall requirements for the proposed software to be developed. The requirements analysis of the software is categorized further into several objectives to collect information about:

  • Resources required for the web development
  • Scope of the system
  • Purpose of the system
  • Limitations of the proposed system

A very mature and self-explanatory Software Requirements Specification Document is prepared in this stage to cover and enlist all the necessary guidelines to execute the web development services process.

System Design:
Once the requirement analysis phase is done, analysis outcomes are evaluated and scrutinized for the accuracy and efficiency measurement of the proposed web development system. The phase identifies the efficiency objectives taken during the requirement analysis process. The system design process describes the features and specifications in detail. The exhaustive elaboration of the several software design issues include:

  • Compact screen layouts
  • Defined business rules
  • Complete process diagrams of web development services process
  • Possible pseudo codes and other required documentation

Coding and System Testing Phase:
Next the phase cones for software coding where the application logic for the software functionalities and user interface are developed. All the coding are written in very strict accordance with the coding standards followed by the industry. The codes are developed in a way to save the system resources and optimize the system efficiency.

System Deployment:
In the very next phase of deployment at web development company,the final system sets live at the locations, it’s meant to be implemented at. The phase decides the shortcomings of the entire software installed and suggests recommendations to accommodate the changes that occurs during the post implementation period.

System Maintenance:
During the system maintenance phase, a number of things about the web application development are taken into the consideration including:

  • Changes required in the system
  • Correction of any sort
  • Some required additions
  • Computer platform adjustments