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Spykee RObot CCTV Spy – Is This the Next Super Robot?

Spykee RObot CCTV Spy  – Is This the Next Super Robot?

If you have always desired to have a surveillance robot; a Wi-Fi enabled sneakbot that is able to be controlled remotely by way of you personal computer that can be done either locally or far away by means of the Internet, well, hold on to your hat. One has been found! It makes every other spybot look silly!

You can use Wi-Fi to manipulate Spykee from your P.C.

Spykee is a sophisticated, build-it-yourself robot that acts as your own rolling, talking spy. However, more than just being a sneaky surveillance robot, there is much more to this little amazing Wi-Fi friendly robot. It is your own remote control spy!

Spykee is many things in one. It is a webcam, VOIP phone, a digital music player for an MP3 as well as a fully functional, able to climb the stairs RC robot. Do you know that it is even able to scrub your back while you are in the bathtub? So , you got me! It can’t do that but would anyone really care when they’re sitting at a computer listening and watching to your housemates by way of Spyke’s built-in camera and microphone?

To increase its incredible surveillance skills, this little robot has motion sensors that are able to detect intruders and surroundings; if anything moves, Spykee immediately activates an alarm on your computer or else it will send you a picture of the supposed scene by email. Isn’t this impressive? It’s just like something you would see on Mission Impossible. When the battery is beginning to run low, Spyke will even automatically scuttle back to its recharging station.

The biggest surprise is that this mind-boggling triumph of technology is produced by Meccano. Talk about one enormous leap for gadget-kind! The main thing that has not varied is the satisfying feeling you experience when your all-knowing, all-seeing, do-it-all droid is assembled. Versatility is still #1 because you are able to make three different robots out of all 210 Meccano parts in the box.

Hurry up and get your robot in-a-box now! Here are a few things you should know about Spykee:

o Spy robot. Spykee is able to be controlled within your home network using only a WiFi connection. All you have to do is to install some software on you Mac or PC and you will be able to remotely sent commands to it. The sound and video from Spykee’s webcam will be transmitted to your computer.

o Telepresence. Now that you know that it has a WiFi connection, you know that it will easily connect to the Internet. This is able to open up many new possibilities for the robot; you will now be able to remotely control your robot from any place in this world by way of the Internet.

o Digital music player. This robot has a 2W loudspeaker. All you have to do is send MP3 music to Spykee and you will be able to enjoy your music.

o VOIP phone. You are now able to use this robot together with MSN, Skype, or GoogleTalk to chat with your friends! Due to the fact that Spykee is mobile, you are able to speak with your friend from any room in your house.

There are so many more things that Spykee is able to do but you should really experience them for yourself. Get your little Spykee Spy Robot [http://spykeespyrobot.blogspot.com/] today and take a step up in the world of technology.