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The Self-Defense Potential Of Kokondo Karate

The Self-Defense Potential Of Kokondo Karate

If you’re going to take a look into the world of Kokondo karate, you’re probably going to be tempted to also investigate Jukido Jujitsu. As you’re going to discover, Jukido Jujitsu is the sister style of Kokondo, which roughly translates into “the way of the past and the present.”

However, for now, let’s focus entirely on Kokondo karate. This is one of the most formidable forms of karate that is currently being practiced in the world. When taking a broad look at the world and history of karate, it is inevitable that you’re going to eventually learn about Kokondo. Even a basic understanding of this style can serve to give you a solid foundation into the world of karate as a whole.

History And Background

It is worth noting that Jukido Jujitsu was established in 1959. It wasn’t until 1970 that the Kokondo approach to karate was established. You’ll find that both styles are taught all throughout the world. However, both styles are primarily found in the U.S. An exceptionally high number of dojos offering instruction in these areas can be found throughout the South Windsor, Connecticut area.

Both styles fall under the protection of the International Kokondo Association. Any instructor in these fields that you’re going to come across are going to be directly connected in some way to this organization. The IKA remains the definitive global entity on the subject of Kokondo.

Both Kokondo and Jukido Jujitsu have origins that can be traced back to a single founder. Paul Arel established Kokondo karate in 1970, having spent the years beforehand teaching, as well as learning from some of the finest martial arts minds in the entire world. By the time Arel established the principles of Kokondo karate in 1970, he had already created an impressive reputation as one of the most formidable martial arts instructors in recent history.

Although Arel has since passed on, Kokondo karate continues to maintain popularity in North America and across the rest of the globe.

Three principles serve to define Kokondo karate, as well as Jukido Jujitsu. These principles are Jushin, Kuzushi, and Shorin-ji. It is also worth noting that Kokondo is a closed-off system of karate. This means that a student who wishes to train in Kokondo will want to keep in mind that they will not be allowed to train with any other form of martial arts.

The Bottom Line

Over the past few decades, Kokondo has established itself in the U.S. and elsewhere.

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