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Why Should You Get ISO 9001 Certification

Why Should You Get ISO 9001 Certification

The ISO 9000 family of standards is a blueprint of what organisations must fulfil in order to implement and display good quality management practices. Taken into account are customer’s quality requirements, applicable regulatory requirements, customer satisfaction, and continuous improvement in achieving these goals.

Of all the 9000 series of standards, different organisations can only be certified against ISO 9001, also called the quality management system or QMS standard. The quality management system standard was created on the premise that satisfied customers are the primary lifeblood of an organisation. If the organisation wants to achieve high profits, it must keep customers satisfied; to keep customers satisfied, it must meet customer requirements.

ISO accreditation is generally a choice, a decision to be taken by management on business grounds, and not an obligation. Despite not being compulsory, many certification bodies or organisations seek ISO 9001 accreditation to confirm their competence or reputation in the industry.

As far as QMS standard is concerned, there are a couple of reasons why organisations should implement it and seek accreditation. Below is a list of other reasons or sub-reasons why some organisations want to get certified for quality management systems.

Meet customer requirements – There are so many customer requirements, and meeting just one or a few doesn’t really pay off in the long-term. Organisations need to have and act upon a long-term plan to keep customers satisfied.

Attract new customers – By obtaining ISO 9001 certificate, organisations have the marketing means to attract new customers and tap new markets, which were otherwise difficult to tap before the certification.

Better company and product quality – The ultimate reason for implementing ISO standards or obtaining accreditation is of course to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of company operations.

Delight customers – Beyond meeting customer requirements and keeping customers satisfied, organisations gain qualities that enable them to delight customers. QMS is the key to do this.

Manage company processes – By setting up QMS, organisations gain wisdom on how best to understand, describe, and communicate their processes, which leads to better control and management.

Empower organisational members – Implementing ISO 9001 helps boost employee morale. Through the standards, employees gain clear picture of what is expected of them, the available resources needed to meet objectives, and assessment of their actions and decisions.

ISO certification catapults organisations in a selective circle that has achieved international recognition in terms of quality management. This elite group are poised to realise the benefits of the ISO standards, particularly improved efficiency and effectiveness in all of their business processes.